Thursday, October 6, 2016

Ashtanga Workshop in Athens, Greece 2017

I am very excited about going to Athens to meet everyone and share my practice.
Thank you Aris for inviting me to Porta Pandana Ashtanga Yoga shala!

来年の春にギリシャのアテネに行き7日間ワークショップを開催します。アテネで参加者の皆さんにお会い出来る事を楽しみにしています。Porta Pandanaアシュタンガヨガシャラに招待して下さりありがとうございます!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Balancing Asanas Workshop in Pacific Ashtanga Yoga Shala

I'm so excited to see everyone at Pacific Ashtanga Yoga Shala next month!

Sunday, October 2, 2016


We visited Yosemite Vally before we come to San Jose. Great view!!! No service! Love this place :)

Downtown Yoga Shala in San Jose

Thank you everyone for coming to practice!! I'm so grateful that I can share my practice with all of you. Special thanks to Veronica for hosting.

I hope to see everyone again soon! :)

Downtown Yoga Shala

Morning coffee with Jovanna before teach my Mysore class  :)

Potluck on last day

Wild Deers

Short hike and to see top view of silicon valley.

Stanford University. Thank you Veronica for taking us there!

Google Bike! I don't have any pictures of us but we visited Google Campus.  Thank you Arnaud for inviting. We had a great time with you and it was an interesting experience to see the campus! :)

Thank you David for taking us to Apple campus and giving us Apple amazing gifts. We had a great time with you and it was a fun experience :)